My Portal

Creation of Account

I have created this site to publish some of my skills in my flied and portfolios that I do. Below are the steps that I have taken to create the web site:

  1. Site Name: Kanya Tage, User Name, and Password

Selection and Customization of Theme

  • I choose a theme according to my wish and need.
  • I opted for an free domain
  • After that just checked the live preview of the theme and after that it was installed in the site–
  • Changed & customized the theme into panoramic theme
  • The site Title was changed into Kanya Tage.
  • Tag line was changed into live as last moment
  • After that uploaded my picture and update authors bio. with my details.
  • Then created different pages including sections like Home, about me, portal, portfolio and under portfolio sub title videography, photography, resume and podcast.